Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hue - Hanoi - Halong Bay (aka Nirvana)

Right, so I have a bit of catching up to do, as the last few days have been a whirlwind of travel, when compared to my last two lazy weeks in Hoi An and Nha Trang... So- Here goes


I took a train from DaNang, just outside of Hoi An, to Hue because I had heard the trip was scenic, and the train went through several mountains, and went over the highest peak of the railway system between these two places. GREAT ADVISE! The trip was fantastic-- with exception to the bad breathed Vietnamese man sitting beside me that decided to strike up conversation every hour or so... (HHHHHEY, MHHYY NHHHAME IHHHS HHHHHONG- foul). I also had to remind him of the invisible line between our seats that represents the division of my space, and his, as at one point I was squashed so far to the asile, I had one butt cheek hanging off the side of the seat. Thank goodness for tuning out via iPod is all I have to say about that... buuuut, back to the view- phenominal! We went through several tunnels between mountains and the green hills and ocean views were unforgettable! Needless to say the ride passed quickly, and soon enough I had arrived in Hue.

I met a couple of backpackers from Slovenia before boarding the train, so we met up after we arrived in Hue and shared a taxi to a hostel. Afterwards we had a quick dinner, and then I hit the sack. I got up the following day and went for a walk around Hue. It used to be the capital of Vientam and the home of the emperor, so there is a lot of history. I walked to a walled mini-city called the Citidel and wondered around looking at the various buldings and statues contained within. I met an Irish traveller wondering around and we chatted for a while before I continued on to a park to stop for a break on my way home.

At the park I ran into some old Vietnamese dudes playing some form of "Asia-Botchie" that had eight lead balls instead of the tratitional two balls for botchie that I've always used... I hung out watching them for a while hoping that they'd finish, and I could take on the winner for a $15,000 dong prize, and bragging rights, but they took too long... So, then I walked over to the gardens and took some pictures of the beautiful statues they had. Obviously, when I encountered the female statue with breasts, I had no choice but to set the self timer on my camera (while it balanced on top of my water bottle) and took a picture of myself molesting said statue. This was going well until some female garderers insisted on taking my picture- which was rather embarassing, so I had to pose naturally for the second shot.

On the way home, I got caught in a monsoon downpour- again- and enjoyed the funny looks I received from the locals wondering why the crazy blonde tourist wasn't sporting an umbrella (which I ALWAYS forget to bring on monsoon days) or a poncho. While I walked, I rocked out to my iPod and wondered WHY on EARTH is it that everytime you want to find a cyclo driver, they are NOWHERE to be found- yet every other second of the day it's: HELLO! MISS... WHERE YOU GO? HELLO!!! I TAKE YOU! MISS!! OVER HERE!! HELLLOOOOO!


The following day (Tuesday), I slept in, had a lazy breakfast, and prepared for my flight to Hanoi. As it turned out, my flight was two hours delayed... so I used the time productivly to book flights home! I will be coming home on October 9th, at 11:00am.... So y'all can go ahead and get your welcome home signs, and champagne ready for my arrival in YYJ mmmmmmmmmkay.....?

So I arrived in Hanoi late, around 4:30pm and felt really super nervous about getting a taxi. I'd heard many, many horror stories about robberies, and being taken to the wrong hostels and stuff... so I decided to book a hostel, and requested they send a driver for me. This went well, and I arrived safe and sound! YAY!

Once I arrived at my hostel, I made arrangements to leave the following day (Wednesday) for Halong Bay. I went out for dinner, picked up an "authentic" North Face backpack for $8 and packed it for my trip. I figured I'd invest in a smaller pack so that I wouldn't have to haul my big one all over Halong, and Sapa for the next week- an excellent call I'd say!

Soooo, now we get to my favorite part: HALONG BAY

The trip started with a long drive to the boat launch area. Once we arrived, I was confronted by a cute little tour guide named Jenny and taken away from my bus group (a fun mix of european backpackers) and put with a group of 12 Asian tourists (hello kitty).....

I was pretty bummed out about this at first, as most of them didn't speak english, but I soon found out this was only the Universe intervening, as there was a very special person on the boat I was meant to meet later on.

Once on the boat we had a seafood lunch, that wasn't that fresh, or delicious, considering the circumstances, and then we began our cruise. I went by myself to the top deck where I rocked out to my iPod while watching the scenery and topping off my tan- paradise. As you can see by this stunner photo, Halong Bay is pretty much the most amazing thing EVER. It's soooo beautiful!! I had a smile across my face the entire time! Eventually we ended up in a small bay where we stopped to check out the "Amazing Caves" (touristy, but a couple good views) and then went to another bay go for a swim and watch the sunset. It was then that I met Ruby- my newest travel friend.

I had noticed her sitting alone at lunch earlier and wanted to sit with her- but I couldn't because we share communal food, and my table was a meat eating one, and she is a vegetarian. So anyway, Ruby and I went swimming together and I had the fortune of learning all about her massivly interesting life. She is in her fifties, was born in India, got her PhD in England, and then practiced medicine, and public healthcare in over 50 countries in the world, she has done consulting in over 100! Currently she lives in Papua New Guinea where she teaches Public Healthcare at a University. We've had an amazing time talking together, and have decided to go to Sapa together tomorrow night.

Anyway, back to Halong Bay, Ruby and I decided to sleep on the top deck of the boat last night instead of in the cabins- and it was AMAZING! I watched the moon rise over the crest of the stacks and rock formations, and starred at the stars until drifting to sleep. I also watched the sun rise the next morning before retiring to my cabin to get a few extra hours in before breaky... Definitely one of the highlites of my trip- potentially my life.

During the night, Ruby told me all about India, and invited me to attend an Ashram with her near the Himmalayas- done aaaaaaaand done... just a matter of when I'll get around to it, but I know it'll be in my future for sure!

Today, we went to a national park where we took motorbikes over to a small villiage and went on a jungle trek... about 10 minutes before the trek, I was off taking a picture of some villiage pigs and I tripped over myself, and somehow smashed my foot into a pointy stick which pushed itself into my toe, and under my newly pedicured toenail... GROSS! I literally had my toenails painted for less than thirty minutes before this happend- typical Christy Smith! Anyway, being the troopy tropperson I am, I got a wet napkin, and tied it around my toe with an elastic band to stop the bleeding before treking.

While on the trek, we hiked up a small rocky hill to a cave. We walked through the cave and on the other side was a long vine (tarzan style) hanging down... Naturally, I had to transform into Janine of the Jungle and climb up the vine while swinging side to side until I got vine-burn (like rope burn) on my ankle (SMRT). So, now I have multiple injuries, but it was totally worth it- and I have pictures to prove it!

After the trek, as if the day could get any better, we went to another place and went kayaking around the bay-- AMAZING!! It was so peaceful and beautiful, it was actually overwhelming to me. I was really looking forward to the kayaking and enjoyed every minute.

Anyway, now I'm staying the night on an Island in a hotel here, and I have to be up in six hours to start the trek back to Hanoi, so I should really wrap this up... Hope everyone is faaaaaaantastic, and I am pumped for sharing some bubbly upon my return October 9th!! WOOT WOOOOOOOT! Yeaaa Turkey Weekend!

This is Janine of the Jungle, signing off! xo

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