Sunday, October 25, 2009

Last week in Paradise....

I landed in Kuta on the Afternoon of October 2nd, and met up with my cousin Jamie at the Arena hotel off Poppies II. It took me 10 minutes to be turned off by the crazy Kuta traffic... Needless to say, we booked our speedboat tickets to Gili Trawangan ASAP.

The next day we started the crazy trip to the islands– 2 hour mini-bus ride, followed by 2 hours of BUMPY speed boating, but we finally made it to Paradise... Four of Jamie's friends from Canada were traveling with us, so we hired a couple of horse and carriages and went up island to stay at windy bungalows, and Coral Beach. I snagged the same bungalow I had the last time I stayed, and the rest of the crew settled down at Windy. The coral mobile I made the last time still hanging on the porch. I walked up, and put my backpack down, and realized my little Indo friend Rudy was inside cleaning it still. I said hello, and he remembered me "Hey- I know you," he said... I smiled and said I remembered him too. I waited outside on the porch for him to finish, and as he was leaving I noticed something glint off his chest– Now... I have been very careful with my limited possessions whist backpacking, but I did "lose" my favorite silver starfish necklace on Gilli T. the last time I visited– I said, "Hey Rudy, come here for a sec..." he did. "Nice necklace you have there... " I smile, he smiles (totally knows, that I know, it's mine) and I say, "I think I'll take that back now bud" and he smiled and said "OK" as I plucked the, tarnished sun and salt-water corroded metal from his necklace. My once shiny and sparkly-most-favorite necklace in the world, came back to me, a little worse for the wear- but with a great story! I asked him why he stole it from me when we were friends, and he said "Well... because I wanted it! Why'd you leave it in your room while I was cleaning it?!" Indo-logic... fair enough. hahahah!

I was so happy to be back in the sun again, I stayed out a little too long my second day on the Island, and had a very uncomfortable "code 3" horse and carriage race back to my bungalow where I spent the rest of the night sick! Bummer... On a side note, you wouldn't believe how easy it is to communicate to a non-English speaking person that you're feeling extremely nauseous... Universal sign-language! The driver just nodded, and ran his horse like a mad-man as we bounced down the sandy dirt roads– worst. trip. ever! But we made it. After getting some rest, and 2L of water into me, I felt much better.

The next day Jamie and I went up island in a pony to watch the sunset behind the mountains. The colours were electric, and it got better after the sun had gone below the mountain tops. Naturally, we had to take some jump photos to capture the moment, right Jamie? Anyone for another Bintang?

No trip to the Gilis is complete without a ride on the infamous "Disco Pony." You have to understand the setting to get the humour in this: So... sand island, generator electricity during limited times of the day, pot-hole roads, no cars, no motorbikes, only horse and carraiges-- with candles inside glass bottles as headlights. Then there is ONE pony that has a car stereo, with two large speakers, and strobe lights.... One of these things is not like the others... Awesome. Jamie and I were lucky enough to catch a ride in the disco pony from the sunset to Scallywags where we had dinner. Numerous fist pumping photographs ensued....

A couple more days of blissful sand, sun, and surf flew by and before I knew it I had to return to Bali for my flight home!! This is when the day turned annoying REAL QUICK...

1. Van driver thought I said the Vina hotel, not the Arena hotel- tried to drop me 7km from where I was supposed to be

2. Rather than bring me to the Arena he dropped me off the the middle of downtown Kuta so I had to walk through the alleyways with two backpacks for tewnty-five minutes to get to my hotel.

3. Whilst walking with two backpacks and a purse, a motorcycle driver got too close to me, hit me and snagged my purse on his handlebars dragging me back with it

4. Narrowly missed being hit by 3 other oncomming motorcycles AGAIN... yelled at the world to PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ROOM TO WALK!

5. Got to the arena and booked a room- only to have a 10 minute argument with the front desk lady because I didn't have enough Rupiah on me, and she didn't want to let me pay for half now, and half when I could get to the bank (she let me eventually)

6. They gave my room to someone else before I could even leave the front desk and tried to give me a dodgy one that was super dirty.

7. More "negotiations" with security for 15 minutes... resulting in them giving me a nice room on the 3rd floor, and then discussing for another 10 minutes that I still owed them half the price (a whopping $8) for the room.... *sigh* One step forward, two steps back! hahahaha

Anyway, I finally got settled, and did some last minute shopping in Kuta before catching a taxi to the airport. I caught the red-eye to Taipei first, then continued to Tokyo, Seattle, and finally Victoria!! It was great, because I was upgraded to first class on the Denpassar - Taipei flight, plus I had 2 seats to myself on the Japan-Seattle flight! BONUS!! I arrived home, safe and sound, after a looong 24 hour journey.

Christy's Adventures in Asia have left an impression on my soul... I feel enlightened, brave, strong, happy, vibrant, GRATEFUL, spiritual, patient, lucky, and more alive than I've ever felt before. Words simply cannot express how this journey has impacted me. Thank you to all the incredible people I met on my trip; Ruby, Elsa, Lisa, Billie, Amanda, Thad, and of course, Sy! Each of you stand out as being integral parts in my journey... Thank you for being you. And finally, I have to say, one of the biggest reminders resulting from my trip was how amazing my friends and family at home are... I am so blessed! Thanks everyone for reading my blog, for sending me positive vibes, support, emails, and for facebook stalking my every move! Until next time....... HOLLA!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Detour Down Undaaaa!

How do I begin to recount the ten most amazing days of my life?! I guess, I should start at the beginning... perhaps before the detour down under– Nha Trang, Vietnam... where I met the three most fabulous Aussies of all time (And yes, all time includes both Crocodile Dundee, AAAND Steve Irwin...) I recall mentioning the Aussies in a previous blog entry, but at that time I was only starting to realize the HUGE impact those two notorious Nha Trang nights would have in my life:

I guess I should provide a few more details on said Aussies. I'll start with the girls, Billie and Amanda; two of the funnest, most thoughtful, vibrant, generous, beautiful and hilarious girls I had the pleasure of meeting on my trip. I already know these two will be in my life for a long time. Awesome is an understatement... And if all that wasn't fabulous enough for you, I saved the best for last, the final fantastic Aussie, Mr. Sayeed David (Sy).

I'm at a loss to even begin to describe the brilliance of Sy (and we all know, I'm not one to be speechless!) How about a list of a few highlights: smart, funny, thoughtful, kind, unbelievably gorgeous, successful, trustworthy, stylish, FUN, sensitive, charismatic, strong, generous, confident.... pretty sure I could go on for a few more hours- but I think you get the point: HE'S AMAZING.

Sooooo... obviously when I was invited to head to Melbourne for a visit, I couldn't say no! I hooked up some Air Asia tickets, for the Detour Down Undaaaa September 21 – October 2nd.

Now, this is the part where it gets tricky for me to recount- there are so many sensational details to tell, it's hard for me to prioritize the best bits and tell the story without writing a novel! So.. here it goes....

I arrived in Melbourne and made it through customs/immigration shortly before midnight after a 9 hour flight from Kuala Lumpar. I walked through the arrivals gate and saw Sy waiting for me- my heart skipped about a hundred beats, and an entire colony of butterflies came to life in my tummy. I flashed him a smile, and walked over to meet him. A half an hour later, we were still standing there, in our own world, blocking the exit for everyone else arriving... whoops! Eventually we got to his car and drove, Mario Andretti style, home (so hot).

Now I will recount a typical morning at Sy's house- wake up, shower (imagine how much of a HUGE treat showering, in a squeaky clean glass shower with a rain shower head, is after 4 months of showering in dirty cockroach-ville with no hot water...), enjoy a superior latté made by Barista Sy (YUM), have breakfast of either fresh mango and plain yogurt, or fresh toasted rye bread (which he would get from the bakery around the corner). Often followed by a second perfect latté.... Seriously, can you think of a better way to start the day?! I can't.

On Day 1 I received a Melbourne overview which included: A visit to the market, a trip to a delicious coffee house, a tour of the Lebanese district on Sidney street where we picked up some Lebo pizza, and sweets (DELICIOUS), a walk along the boardwalk by the ocean (likely one of my favorite Melbourne spots), and dinner at a FABULOUS seafood restaurant called Claypots. My favorite part, aside from the OUTSTANDING food, was the fact that I didn't even look at the menu. Sy ordered all his favorites, for this meal, and every subsequent one we shared together. Those who have had the pleasure of dining with with CJ Smith will appreciate how awesome this is, as they will have experienced my A.D.D. tendency to want EVERYTHING on the menu, take FOREVER to decide what to order, and then stress that maybe I should have ordered that other dish that looked delicious.... HAHAHA

The next day was just as memorable, and started with the typ morning routine- glorious- followed by going to a fabulous Japanese restaurant in downtown Melbourne. YUM! Then we walked around downtown, and Sy stopped at an Aussie chocolate shop, comparable to Purdy's, to pick up dark chocolate frogs for us to eat while we went to another fabulous coffee house for latté #3 of the day. Nirvana. The guy has a Phd. in pleasing Christy Smith.

Ok... I see this becoming a novel already- This is what I was worried about... so many amazing details, its hard not to recount EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! Focus Christy....

So, the next most important thing to mention is dinner Thursday night (HAHA I love how everything revolves around eating... yum) We met up with my two favorite Aussie girls Billie and Amanda and went to a sensational Thai restaurant called Cookie. The girls, being the sweet-hawts they are, made me an "Aussie Survival pack" that included a TON of treats including, but not limited to: Australian flag Havaianas flip flops, every type of delicious candy known to Oz - most notably Caramello Koalas and a photo album with pictures from Vietnam. SO AWESOME! After dinner we went to a rooftop bar that overlooked all the beautiful lights of downtown Melbourne and had a beer... super fun.

On Friday, Master Chef Sy cooked me an incredible meal at home featuring fresh King George Whiting fish, Calamari, and a Vietnamese green papaya salad. THEN, Sy's friend Paul called and said that Arabian Prince from N.W.A. was doing a hip hop show, and invited us to go– As if the day could get ANY BETTER!? The music was off the hook!

Another dinner highlight was at an INCREDIBLE restaurant called Cumulus inc. We rolled in hoping to get a couple seats at the bar where you can sit and watch the chefs prepare the food similar to at a sushi bar. The entire restaurant was PACKED, except for two prime real estate seats at the bar- which we were seated at within 2 minutes of stepping foot in the restaurant. Lucky us!! Sy ordered some amazing dishes, and another bottle of super fantastic wine, and we topped it off with the most amazing dessert ever– house made chocolate ice cream, with a chocolate truffle that had a hard dark chocolate shell, with soft mousse-like filling, fudge, and chocolate cake. Seriously, spoiled.

Sunday was one of my favorite days in Melbourne (if I HAD to pick one). We drove out to Sy's mum's house and had lunch and a visit with her, and Sy's two brothers, his sister, and his seven month old niece Layla- ADORABLE! Sy had asked his mum to make some traditional Lebanese food, and Mrs. David made the most outstanding spread EVER! Like, honestly, it barley fit on the table, it was overwhelming... aaaand delicious. I tried everything, and LOVED everything!! Plus, Sy's family is super awesome!! I had a really nice time visiting with everyone and felt so welcome- it was really amazing.

Monday was really cool because we went to the Salvador Dali Liquid Desire exhibit at the National Gallery of Victoria. SO INCREDIBLE! Being the creative I am, it was exceptionally special for me to share something like that with Sy. The art was absolutely incredible- Dali has got to be one of the most innovative artists of his time. It was pretty great to watch Sy going through the gallery as well- Dali is his favorite artist. Did I mention that I LOVE that he even has a favorite artist, let alone one as ingenious as Dali!? Seriously- I had to pinch myself a couple times to make sure I hadn't died and gone to heaven.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we took a little road trip down to Waratah Bay, and Wilson's Prom to do some surf fishing, and check out some of the beautiful scenery. We stayed in a little cabin right off the beach, and the view was sensational! I had so much fun fishing with Sy, it was completely different than the fishing that I'm used to, but it was fabulous. He even caught a couple fishies! I woke up at 5am to watch the sunrise, and despite it being ridiculously cold, and early, as you can see by this photo- it was totally worth it!

On my last night before leaving we had another remarkable dining experience at a very special Tapa restaurant called Movida. Normally one would book 2-3 months in advance to reserve a seat at this exclusive place, buuuuuuut, Sy and I decided to test our luck- as things seem to "just work" for us. We rolled in and the place was jam packed- obviously. Sy spoke to the host who said he would "see what he could do" and that we should go have a drink next door for a half hour. We did, and when we came back? Table for two!! Unbelievable! The next awesome thing that happened, was the waiter came over to take our order, and when Sy said, everything looked good, the waiter said "Well, why don't you just let me take care of you then.." BOY DID HE EVER! We had course after course of the most tastebud tantalizing food EVER! Sooooo special!

Anyway, it was sad to have to strap on my backpack and leave Melbourne, but I know there are many good times to follow, and as Sy said, the incredible adventures we had together are "just a drop in the ocean in comparison to what hopefully lies ahead..." I got on the plane to leave, looked at the seat in front of me and saw an Air Asia advertisement stating: "COME FALL IN LOVE IN MELBOURNE" I smiled to myself, and thought.... I just did!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thailand: The final affair...

I arrived in the Bangkok airport around 11am and ran into a few backpackers I had met in Sapa. Five of us opted to sandwich into the back of a 4 seater taxi and head to Khao San Road... Two of the crew were dropped off along the way, and the three of us remaining found a hostel along the main strip to crash for the night. We agreed to meet up for dinner, and I headed out to eat some Khao San street meat pad thai, people watch, and hit the infamous MBK to shop.

Around 7:00pm we caught up and had dinner at a greasy diner. There we met two other girls from England and we all decided to hit up a ping pong show together... The trick with ping pongs in Bangkok is to find one that's not going to have three huge bouncers meet you at the door on your way out and demand you pay them several hundred baht before you can leave... Somehow we managed to find a dodgy tuk-tuk driver to take us to a "legit" performance. The tuk-tuk drive was an adventure in itself... Three of us were crammed into the back, and the driver was the craziest mofo I've met in a few weeks fo shizzle... He started off the trip by popping a wheelie (this is the 2nd tuk-tuk wheelie I've been fortunate enough to experience to date) and continued to blast through the streets of Bangkok at approximately 100+ km/hr passing every single other taxi, and tuk-tuk at speeds so great it felt like we were the only ones moving... I started to make a video of the craziness since it's pretty hard to describe- at which point the driver decided it would be funny to take his hands off the wheel and show off a bit. The good news was- we made it to the ping pong show without injury!

Now... I'm about to describe a few of the more "special" acts witnessed at said ping ping show... so Grandma, Mom, and anyone else who is easily offended... Please go ahead and stop reading here... I will mark an astrix when it's safe again. ;-)

LAST WARNING- THIS IS BEYOND PG-13... Purely RESTRICTED material here: Read at your own risk of trauma...


So... I walk into this dark room with everyone else in tow, and see an elevated stage in the middle of the room with four poles on each corner and right in the middle of the stage: two Thai's having a go at one another in a live sex show!!!! That was enough for me to nearly turn around and leave on the spot! I exchanged horrified glances at the two girls with me, and we avoided looking until we found some seats a few rows back to ensure safety from any kind of off-shoot ping-pongs, darts, crabs or airborne STD's... Luckily by the time we got our seats and ordered a couple beers the two on the stage were finished, and there was a bit of a break for us to recover before the next act.

Next thing I know, there is a Thai girl back up on stage dancing around (very unenthusiastically I might add) with a bucket of ping pongs... She proceeded to play ping-pong tiddly winks, shooting the ping pongs from her hoo-ha into a glass vase in the center of the stage. Thankfully, none of them went into the crowd as that may have been enough for me to chuck my pad thai from earlier... The next few acts included many acts performed by numerous hoo-ha experts including: shooting darts in the air to pop a balloon, pulling out razor blades, blowing out candles from a birthday cake, smoking a cigar, writing Welcome to Bangkok on a paper with a jiffy marker, and removing a glow in the dark string long enough to stretch the length of Khao San road- TWICE! Most of this was like a train wreck- you want to flinch and look away, but you just can't tear your eyes from the obscenities they are witnessing... However I did spent PLENTY of time just laughing at the creepy old men in attendance. Some of the looks on their faces- priceless! I left when the climax (no pun intended) performance sex show started up again, cause that was a traumatic incident I didn't need to witness more than once.

The long and short of the ping pong show is: It's an experience that I'm glad I saw once- cause you really do need to see it to believe it- but its something I NEVER want to see again. Bangkok: Complete!


Okay, Mom, Grandma, any other respectful people who didn't want to read that (and I sincerely do hope you flipped past it) it's now safe to resume reading...

The next day I caught a bus and a small boat to Ko Samet Island to get a couple days of beach in before I left. The journey was a typical Thai experience- we arrived two hours later than expected and spent most of the day playing the never dull game of "Hurry up and Wait." Eventually we arrived in paradise, and I ended up meeting a nice girl from England who I ended up sharing a bungalow with. The weather was gorgeous for us, and I spent all day enjoying the sunshine for the next day and a half before I had to head back to Bangkok. I also met up with a dodgy Thai dude, who I hired to fix up my "Balance" tattoo with bamboo... it was a bit worse for wear after neglecting it for the past three months with sun, sand, and chlorine... The good news there is that bamboo tattoos heal much more quickly than machine tattoos do, and they hurt WAY less too! So hopefully this one won't fade out as much this time. For ten dollars though, I won't complain if it does.

Anywaaaaaaaaay, I spent a few hours on the beach my last day and then made the trek back to Bangkok to enjoy one last night of Thai bliss. I got a manicure, pedicure, wax, Thai massage, and as much thai food as I could fit into my body before finally wondering down the crazy streets laughing at all the drunk people, and lady boys stumbling home from a big night out, getting back to my hostel, and crashing out around 2:00am.

Thus ends Thailand for Christy Smith. Standby for further updates as Christy's Adventures continue on: THE DETOUR DOWN UNDER

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hanoi - Sapa... The last leg of my Vietnam adventure!

Ok... time to update the old blog- but this may be a short entry cause this keyboard is formatted to input Vietnamese so it keeps putting weird letters and accents in place of regular English-- so pardon the "Chinglish" if I make numerous typos... hahaha the joys of traveling. I asked the two night-time guys here to help me but they're total tools, and no speaky too good... soo yah... hêre ưe go!

I arrived back from Halong Bay on Friday at 5pm and Ruby and I caught the night train to Sapa at 8pm. Pretty quick turn around.. but we made it! I had planned to buy a return ticket from Sapa to Hanoi from the train station, but the ticket lady was super rude. After standing in line for 15 minutes, she said a return ticket would cost $300,000 dong. I got my money out and handed it through the glass, and then she said she was too busy to help me, and told me to go away. Meanwhile, she carried on helping all of the Vietnamese people in line trying to buy the same tickets for a fraction of the price. Eventually I gave up after three failed attempts with two sêparate ticket agents and conceded to buy one from a travel agent in Sapa for an even HIGHER price... I was super confused because I haven't been treated so badly before by any of the countries I've visited, but I soon learned- such is life as a traveler in Northern Vietnam- people are downright nasty up herrrrrrr!!

We arrived in Sapa around 5:30am and Ruby had called a tour company to arrange a seat on a shuttle bus to take us from the train station to Sapa- about 30 minutes drive. This ended up being a huge P.I.T.A. because the driver dropped us off at a hotel that had no vacancy, and then some random "tour guide" showed up and wouldn't leave us alone until we allowed him to take us to a hotel (that paid him commission). The deal was, if ưe stayed in this hotel, the bus would be free- otherwise, god only knows what the price would be--- this is why I never pre-book stuff when I travel, but Ruby is much more trusting than I am... So... anyway, buddy takes us to this dive of a hostel, for $11/night, which is about $5 more expensive than anything else in town, and about 10x more dodgy. But we dropped our stuff off so we could avoid wasting any more time arguing with anyone.

From thêre we continued on to the Sapa market where I picked up a cheap North Face knockoff jacket, and a few souvenirs. I also wandered through the "local" market where they sell mainly household items, produce, spices, and meat- Here is where I found FRESH BUTCHERED DOG FOR SALE! AHH!

The hill tribe people were EVERYWHERE, and very much "in your face" at all times. I'm normally pretty patient with this kind of thing, and I usually enjoy talking to peddlers and lôoking at their stuff- just for kicks, but thêse people were awful! I got sooooo claustrophobic cause they'd basically attack you mob style and give you no way to escape them until you were forced to snap and tear a strip off someone. Asking politely for space, or saying no thanks one hundred and fifty times, goes nowhere!

Later that day I bumped into an Aussie that I had met a couple weeks ago in Nha Trang. We got to talking and decided to check out a waterfall nearby via motorbike. Well- this ended up being a gong show too because first of all, the bike wouldn't start, then it needed another part, then it was dropped on ít side, and cracked a display case in a merchant shop- which cost the Aussie $200,000 dong, by the time we were finally ready to go, it started monsooning!! We grabbed a coffee to wait it out, and were confronted by a young girl peddler- the rudest of the bunch. She continued to stand beside our table verbally abusing us for not buying from her for the next 45 minutes. Despite asking her to leave about 100 times, she refused, and dropped so many F-bombs I lost count. I wonder who the jerk-face tourist was who taught her that!? :-(
The weather finally cleared up so we took off on the bike- only it started raining again within 5 minutes of the trip. I quickly got drenched, and we ended up breaking down again, and taking a wrong turn somewhere before heading back without seeing any waterfalls...
Soaking wet and cold, I went to find a place to have dinner with Ruby. While at dinner, I had a great idea to call one of the nice hotel/spas and see if we could go use their hot tub... The front desk clerk said we could use their hot tub for $10 and that would include use of their steam room and sauna... SOLD! I spent the next half hour walking in the rain (thêre are no taxis in Sapa) up a large hill to the hotel/spa, only to discover- NO HOT TUB! The hotel people were huge jerks about the whole thing- which was not surprising by this stage of the game- and Ruby ended up buying a $55 massage just so she could get a ride home as her knee was hurting too much to walk back.

Later that night, I ended up having a domestic díspute with my hotel because thêre were no sheets on my bed, and nobody could speak English to understand what I needed. I said "no sheets, I NO PAY" which they miraculously understood, and then presented me with a bill for $11 for the room + 40,000 dong for the shuttle bus!!!!!!!!!!! This made me snap because the ONLY reason we were even thêre was for the free shuttle-Meanwhile, a room full of Vietnamese people across the hall thought it would be hilarious to try and pimp out tưo older men to me, who started trying to enter my room while making sexy noises and pelvic thrusts... this action resulted in an appearance by super-grumpy Christy who ripped up the hotel bill, threw it on the ground, and slammed the hotel room door in the face of the two men. Nothin but class...
The next day started out well- We ưent to the Bac Ha market- about 3 hours away, which happens only on Sundays... The market was great! So many amazing costumes, and cool handmade things to look at and buy. I took loads of photos of the locals wearing their traditional costumes. We stopped for lunch (which was HORRIBLE) and then continued on to a small villiage to have a short walk, and then to the border of China/Vietnam where I snapped a shot of the China side before loading up in the van again to head home....

This is when day two took a turn for the worse- around 7pm, I had a light supper of a veggie sandwich, and tea and started feeling realllllllllly sick... I managed to stagger back to my room before becoming violently ill and spent the next 24 hours wanting to die-- FOOD PÔISONING-- not fun... but it was bound to happen at some point on my SE Asia tour, and might as well have been the dang N. Vietnamese that did it!

The following day, I was still feeling a bit woozy, but I caught the night train back to Hanoi and went back to the hostel I stayed in before. Sooooooooo, all in all, Sapa wasn't my favorite part of the trip so far- in fact, aside from the gorgeous scenery, cool costumes, and markets- I don't have many great things to report. Maybe my expectations ưere too high, as many people I've met said Sapa was one of their favorite places... or maybe I just had a string of bad Karma- either way, the last few days have made me MORE than ready to be blowin this popsicle stand tomorrow to head to Bangkok. It's too bad this had to happen at the end, as it left a bad taste in my mouth for the Vietnamese- however, if it happened at the beginning I may not have wanted to see the rest of the great things the country has to offer- so maybe its a good thing....
Oh and by the way, thêre ảe about 10 other brutal incidents that happened with people ripping me off being unbelievably rude (including a parting F-you from the night time staff at my hostel in Hanoi) I opted not to report for tưo reasons - 1. It's negative, and I don't need to focus on that, and 2. This keyboard is driving me mental...

So with that, I'm out! PEACE

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hue - Hanoi - Halong Bay (aka Nirvana)

Right, so I have a bit of catching up to do, as the last few days have been a whirlwind of travel, when compared to my last two lazy weeks in Hoi An and Nha Trang... So- Here goes


I took a train from DaNang, just outside of Hoi An, to Hue because I had heard the trip was scenic, and the train went through several mountains, and went over the highest peak of the railway system between these two places. GREAT ADVISE! The trip was fantastic-- with exception to the bad breathed Vietnamese man sitting beside me that decided to strike up conversation every hour or so... (HHHHHEY, MHHYY NHHHAME IHHHS HHHHHONG- foul). I also had to remind him of the invisible line between our seats that represents the division of my space, and his, as at one point I was squashed so far to the asile, I had one butt cheek hanging off the side of the seat. Thank goodness for tuning out via iPod is all I have to say about that... buuuut, back to the view- phenominal! We went through several tunnels between mountains and the green hills and ocean views were unforgettable! Needless to say the ride passed quickly, and soon enough I had arrived in Hue.

I met a couple of backpackers from Slovenia before boarding the train, so we met up after we arrived in Hue and shared a taxi to a hostel. Afterwards we had a quick dinner, and then I hit the sack. I got up the following day and went for a walk around Hue. It used to be the capital of Vientam and the home of the emperor, so there is a lot of history. I walked to a walled mini-city called the Citidel and wondered around looking at the various buldings and statues contained within. I met an Irish traveller wondering around and we chatted for a while before I continued on to a park to stop for a break on my way home.

At the park I ran into some old Vietnamese dudes playing some form of "Asia-Botchie" that had eight lead balls instead of the tratitional two balls for botchie that I've always used... I hung out watching them for a while hoping that they'd finish, and I could take on the winner for a $15,000 dong prize, and bragging rights, but they took too long... So, then I walked over to the gardens and took some pictures of the beautiful statues they had. Obviously, when I encountered the female statue with breasts, I had no choice but to set the self timer on my camera (while it balanced on top of my water bottle) and took a picture of myself molesting said statue. This was going well until some female garderers insisted on taking my picture- which was rather embarassing, so I had to pose naturally for the second shot.

On the way home, I got caught in a monsoon downpour- again- and enjoyed the funny looks I received from the locals wondering why the crazy blonde tourist wasn't sporting an umbrella (which I ALWAYS forget to bring on monsoon days) or a poncho. While I walked, I rocked out to my iPod and wondered WHY on EARTH is it that everytime you want to find a cyclo driver, they are NOWHERE to be found- yet every other second of the day it's: HELLO! MISS... WHERE YOU GO? HELLO!!! I TAKE YOU! MISS!! OVER HERE!! HELLLOOOOO!


The following day (Tuesday), I slept in, had a lazy breakfast, and prepared for my flight to Hanoi. As it turned out, my flight was two hours delayed... so I used the time productivly to book flights home! I will be coming home on October 9th, at 11:00am.... So y'all can go ahead and get your welcome home signs, and champagne ready for my arrival in YYJ mmmmmmmmmkay.....?

So I arrived in Hanoi late, around 4:30pm and felt really super nervous about getting a taxi. I'd heard many, many horror stories about robberies, and being taken to the wrong hostels and stuff... so I decided to book a hostel, and requested they send a driver for me. This went well, and I arrived safe and sound! YAY!

Once I arrived at my hostel, I made arrangements to leave the following day (Wednesday) for Halong Bay. I went out for dinner, picked up an "authentic" North Face backpack for $8 and packed it for my trip. I figured I'd invest in a smaller pack so that I wouldn't have to haul my big one all over Halong, and Sapa for the next week- an excellent call I'd say!

Soooo, now we get to my favorite part: HALONG BAY

The trip started with a long drive to the boat launch area. Once we arrived, I was confronted by a cute little tour guide named Jenny and taken away from my bus group (a fun mix of european backpackers) and put with a group of 12 Asian tourists (hello kitty).....

I was pretty bummed out about this at first, as most of them didn't speak english, but I soon found out this was only the Universe intervening, as there was a very special person on the boat I was meant to meet later on.

Once on the boat we had a seafood lunch, that wasn't that fresh, or delicious, considering the circumstances, and then we began our cruise. I went by myself to the top deck where I rocked out to my iPod while watching the scenery and topping off my tan- paradise. As you can see by this stunner photo, Halong Bay is pretty much the most amazing thing EVER. It's soooo beautiful!! I had a smile across my face the entire time! Eventually we ended up in a small bay where we stopped to check out the "Amazing Caves" (touristy, but a couple good views) and then went to another bay go for a swim and watch the sunset. It was then that I met Ruby- my newest travel friend.

I had noticed her sitting alone at lunch earlier and wanted to sit with her- but I couldn't because we share communal food, and my table was a meat eating one, and she is a vegetarian. So anyway, Ruby and I went swimming together and I had the fortune of learning all about her massivly interesting life. She is in her fifties, was born in India, got her PhD in England, and then practiced medicine, and public healthcare in over 50 countries in the world, she has done consulting in over 100! Currently she lives in Papua New Guinea where she teaches Public Healthcare at a University. We've had an amazing time talking together, and have decided to go to Sapa together tomorrow night.

Anyway, back to Halong Bay, Ruby and I decided to sleep on the top deck of the boat last night instead of in the cabins- and it was AMAZING! I watched the moon rise over the crest of the stacks and rock formations, and starred at the stars until drifting to sleep. I also watched the sun rise the next morning before retiring to my cabin to get a few extra hours in before breaky... Definitely one of the highlites of my trip- potentially my life.

During the night, Ruby told me all about India, and invited me to attend an Ashram with her near the Himmalayas- done aaaaaaaand done... just a matter of when I'll get around to it, but I know it'll be in my future for sure!

Today, we went to a national park where we took motorbikes over to a small villiage and went on a jungle trek... about 10 minutes before the trek, I was off taking a picture of some villiage pigs and I tripped over myself, and somehow smashed my foot into a pointy stick which pushed itself into my toe, and under my newly pedicured toenail... GROSS! I literally had my toenails painted for less than thirty minutes before this happend- typical Christy Smith! Anyway, being the troopy tropperson I am, I got a wet napkin, and tied it around my toe with an elastic band to stop the bleeding before treking.

While on the trek, we hiked up a small rocky hill to a cave. We walked through the cave and on the other side was a long vine (tarzan style) hanging down... Naturally, I had to transform into Janine of the Jungle and climb up the vine while swinging side to side until I got vine-burn (like rope burn) on my ankle (SMRT). So, now I have multiple injuries, but it was totally worth it- and I have pictures to prove it!

After the trek, as if the day could get any better, we went to another place and went kayaking around the bay-- AMAZING!! It was so peaceful and beautiful, it was actually overwhelming to me. I was really looking forward to the kayaking and enjoyed every minute.

Anyway, now I'm staying the night on an Island in a hotel here, and I have to be up in six hours to start the trek back to Hanoi, so I should really wrap this up... Hope everyone is faaaaaaantastic, and I am pumped for sharing some bubbly upon my return October 9th!! WOOT WOOOOOOOT! Yeaaa Turkey Weekend!

This is Janine of the Jungle, signing off! xo

Friday, September 4, 2009

I think I'm in LOVE!!! (with Hoi An)

This city is just so beautiful! I am in love with the architecture, the people, the culture--- and I have a new found love for the monsoon!

Yesterday, I decided to go for a walk to the city-centre where I sat on the edge of the river watching boats go by, and listening to the sounds of Hoi An: motorbikes, children playing, clay whistles being blown, and tailors calling tourists into shops- HELLO! LADY, YOU BUY SOMETHING?!

After I was finished sitting by the river I decided to go to a classy little restaurant called River Lounge for a bite to eat. For $6 I enjoyed a three course meal starting with a trio of tapa sized appies (Fried spring rolls on top of a sweet mango salad, spicy pumpkin soup, and fresh spring rolls on top of spicy papaya salad...mmmmmmmm), Fresh bass with lemon grass and ginger, and a casheew nut brownie with a Vietnamese coffee. Thank goodness you can't eat like that in Canada for six bux a pop, cause I might turn into a type A diabetic!

After dinner, I walked home and got caught in a ridiculous monsoon. Rather than duck into a store to wait it out, I decided to just enjoy it. I walked down the centre of the street getting SOAKED while shop keepers yelled to me that they could sell me a poncho or umbrella- I didn't want one. When I got home, I figured since I was already soaked, I might as well throw on my runners and go for a monsoon run... so I did! It was the first time I had done any form of exercise (aside from walking) since leaving Canada, but it was GREAT! I ran, and ran and ran, for around 30-45 minutes (dunno exactly cause I didn't have a watch) and I didn't feel tired at all. I could have gone forever. On my run I saw a few Hoi An specialties such as 3 huge river rats, a grasshoper the size of my fist that jumped out in front of me and scared the living daylights out of me, and a Vietnamese Jazzersize Aerobics class.

After running past the aerobics class twice, I decided on round three I'd go in and check it out. I stood in the doorway mimicing their moves until one of the ladies noticed me, started laughing, and invited me in to join. I entered the gym and started bustin a move to Dance mix '95. We actually did the Mararena at one point... no joke! It was so awesome, the ten ladies in the class were all about ages 33-45 and decked out in full on 3/4 length black leggings with flourescent thong backed body suits (circa 1987). One of the body suits, my personal fav, was rainbow coloured with a sheer black pannel around the waist to show off those kickin curves. I wish I had had a video camera to document some of the rockin Asian Jazzercise moves, because seriously, I had to focus like a mofo to keep a straight face bustin a move with them.

After the jazzercise we got our fitness on with some dumbell dancing... I can't even describe the amount of pelvis thrusting that was involved in this. Honestly, at one point I thought I would throw my back out. Plus, you have to appreciate the entire time, the teacher is blasting out Vietnamese encouragement and counting in time to the music. MOT, HAI, BA, BON, NAM, SAU, BAY, TAM! Priceless.

After we were done the class, I ended up in a Hula Hoop competition with a 40 year old Vietnamese lady.... despite my efforts (a good 8 minutes without dropping the hoop) she won! Sooooooo much fun! Eventually, I finished chatting with them, and ran all the way back to the hotel, stomping through puddles up to my ankles the whole way there. I had to wring out my clothes in the bathtub after I got home... it was crazy how soaked I was, but it was totally worth it. Me and the monsoon are friends now.

Anyway, I've gotta get out there and enjoy some of this glorious day... I think it may be my last night in Hoi An, cause I'm thinking of heading to Da Nang, or Hue tomorrow by train.

Keep it real kids! HOLLA!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

National Day- and Full Moon Festival in Hoi An

Although I had planned to spend a day in Hoi An at the beautiful beaches, the weather has not been very cooperative. Yesterday it started monsooning like CRAAAAZY, and hasn't stopped since. It put a bit of a damper on the Full Moon festivities for National Day, but I think everyone managed to have a good time anyway- I know I did!

I've made friends with some of the local girls who work at the hotel I'm staying at. They are so cute. Everytime I come or go from my room I'm greeted with a "HELLO CHRISTY! HOW YOU TODAY?!" I sat around with one of the girls for over an hour yesterday talking about all sorts of things. She told me she works here 12 hours/day 7 days a week- I suggested she move to Canada... I cannot imagine how she has any time to herself!! The girls even sleep here, on the floor behind the front desk with a blanket and a mosquito net. She said she was grateful for the job because she used to work in a tailor here, and that was even worse... Thank goodness I was born in Canada, doesn't seem like much fun to have to work so hard everyday...

I wondered around downtown for a while yesterday afternoon and when I got back to the hotel I noticed there was a table set up outside with a bunch of soups, fruit, and other things. Now, it's normal here to offer food to Budda everyday, but never so elaborate as this spread was. I asked the girls if this was special for full moon, and apparently it was. They said that they offer the food to Budda, and also to the spirits who roam the earth (in case the spirits are hungry, and also so that they don't haunt them) and once the food has been offered to and blessed by Budda, then they collect it and eat it.

I was pretty touched cause later on, I was going up to my room and they insisted I take some of the squid soup (made from beans and sugar, not squid) up to my room with me to eat. I dunno how many foreigners get to eat food blessed by Budda himself, so I felt pretty honoured! I had to calm my OCD a little to force myself to eat a few mouthfulls (knowing that it had sat outside with bugs crawling all over it all afternoon) so that I woudn't offend anyone- especially Budda!

I brought it up to my room and decided to take a break from the soup while I got ready to go out for the full moon festival.... While I was getting ready, an army of ants smelled my squid soup and next thing I knew there were THOUSANDS of them swarming about in my good karma! I had a minor panic attack trying to pick up the bowl and put it in the sink to drown the little bastards, but I did it! (I'm getting much better at dealing with some of SE Asia's finer points these days). I eventually flushed the rest down the toilet, but now I'm afraid that Budda will be mad at me... fingers crossed, he'll understand.

After that escapade, I walked down the street towards town, and on the way there I ran into a big circle of locals laughing and cheering at something that was going on inside the circle... Naturally, I had to stop and see what all the fuss was about, so I watched for a while, and eventually worked my way through to the front of the circle where I saw a guy standing with a painted mask made from what looked like a woven basket. It had hair coming out of the top of it, and a big fu-man-chu beard thing going on at the bottom... super awesome! The guy obviously couldn't see through the mask, and he had a club in his hand... At first I was looking for some kind of piniatta- but then I realized it's "same same, but different." What they do here is spin the guy around with the mask on, and then he has to walk forward towards a drum and try and line himself up in the right spot to strike the drum with his club. I'm not sure if it was the traditional Dong Son bronze drum (that leaves an impact on those around) or not, but I felt some pretty sweet energy coming from there, so either way, I'm happy!

From there I walked across the Japanese bridge, which is a major historical site here, and went into some kind of pagoda that I'm pretty sure I'd normally have to pay for... but it was packed with locals, so I figured it was probably free for the night. I walked around there and watched people pray, while I breathed in the spicy incense that was burning EVERYWHERE.

Then I continued on towards the river and walked along the riverfront until a little lady with a bunch of tiny paper boats holding candles asked me if I would like to buy one (in Vietnamese, so, at first I didn't understand a thing). I asked a young local girl beside me to translate, and told her that I'd like to buy one of the lanterns and go for a boat ride. She told me that for $5000 dong (about 30 cents) I get a paper boat, candle, and a boat ride! SOLD! To thank her I bought her a boat also, and she and her three friends and I all ventured out to the river to release our paper lantern boats. IT WAS AMAZING... Not only were there dozens of candle boats flickering along the water, but there are several permanent lantern statues scattered about the river as well that were obviously lit up. It was definitely one of the most beautiful things ever... I don't even know how to describe it, but the closest thing I imagine would be maybe going through the canals in Italy-- only this was waaay less touristy, and much more authentic. The three kids I were with were all 17, and were so excited to be in the boat with me... They wanted me to have the best experience ever, and so after I released my boat, they kept leaning over and catching new ones to give me to re-release into the water. They tried taking a few videos and photos of me, but apparently even though my Olympus was made in Vietnam- the Vietnamese do not understand how to use it! hahaha It's okay though, they ended up getting a few seconds of good stuff, and one good picture.

After that I couldn't wipe the smile off my face to save my LIFE, and this ended up attracting even more good things. Everyone I passed reflected my happiness right back at me, and I ended up meeting a group of English tourists who took a picture for me, gave me the name of a good cooking class here, and then invited me to join them in Sapa next week. I have their email address in case I end up there around the same time.

By the time I finished things with them I realized it was like 9, and I still hadn't eaten anything, so I walked to a small cafe alongside the river, got some food, and people-watched.

Pretty stellar night eh! Anyway, I think I'm just going to have a quiet night tonight, and maybe watch some TV in my room or something. With any luck I can find something in English!

OH! And one more thing... I finally set a time to stop being a gypsy and head home: Thanksgiving! I figure it'll be symbolic since this trip has made me realize how INCREDIBLY much I have to be thankful for in my life... Plus all of youl can thank your lucky stars that your best peep in the universe is back in town! ;-) HOLLA!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hoi An.... A Diva's Paradise!

I've been in Hoi An for four days and three nights now, and I'm loving every moment. The architecture here is very old-world French, and there are over 400 tailors available to make ANYTHING you can imagine. The streets are lined with colourful Vietnamese lanterns, and the silk fabrics are to die for. I'm pretty sure I could easily spend a week or two here just walking around gawking at the amazing lanterns, silk fabrics, and beautiful people.

The last two days here have been very busy for me! The first day, I went around to several different tailors picking out fabrics and designs to have some clothing made. First I went to Yaly and picked out a navy blue cashmire/wool blend suit fabric for pants, a blazer, and a skirt. Yaly is supposedly the best tailor in town, and they have some AMAZING couture dresses and coats... I decided I must become a rock-star, or famous actress at some point in my life so I can justify having a crazy couture dress made to rock on the red carpet! Seriously, some of them had peacock feathers sewn into the design!! Amazing stuff!! I tried to take some photos, but, its one of those things that is much better to see in person.
From there I went to the fabric market, where you can buy fabric and tailoring for much cheaper than you can in the stores. There I chose fabric, and designed the most gangsta get-up of all time. A pair of white pants with a small black pinstripe going through them, a matching vest lined in bright pink silk, and a charcoal grey dress shirt to match. After I finished at the market I went to a shop called Peace (soooo asian) where I drew sketches for a red peacoat that is lined with black silk that has really amazing embroidery all over it.

Later that evening, while the tailors were busy sewing up all my goods, I went for a walk and saw a super pretty silk dress in the window of a shop. I wasn't really looking for a dress, but I started talking to the lady in the store and I ended up trying on the dress that was already made on the manequin. It fit me almost perfectly (which always happens when you're NOT looking) so I bartered her down from $50 to $25 and bought the dress. She even altered it for me so now it absolutley perfect!!

Yesterday was my crazy busy day of running around from tailor to tailor for fittings, and refittings to make sure everything was just so. Normally this woudn't be so bad, but because I ended up buying from four different tailors, it was super crazy cycling from one to the next, and getting lost about a dozen times in between! I can't help it, they all look the same to me!! (Why couldn't God have just given me a sense of direction... I mean, I'm greatful for the blonde hair and blue eyes and all... but FML travelling when you're geographically challenged is tricky!) Throw in some 40 degree heat to the mix, and the Vietnamese language barrier whenever I asked for directions, and you'll start to get a pretty good idea of the chaos.

Eventually after about 10 fittings of my suit, and 2 of each the other items, I was good to go! Now, to try and get it all home in one piece....

Not only do they have shopping galore here, but apparently the beach here is really gorgeous too! I haven't made it there yet though... I had the best intentions to head that way today, but unfortunately it's the first rainy day I've seen since Laos. This is particularly disappointing because today is National Day in Vietnam. It is also the day of the full moon- which means there is supposed to be some celebrations happening downtown later on, however I'm not sure if it will happen if it is too rainy, and cloudy. I really hope it clears up, but it doesn't look too promising at this point. :-(

Apparently what was supposed to happen tonight is they shut off the electricity downtown, and the streets are lined with silk lanterns that are lit with candles. There is usually traditional music being played on Vietnamese intruments and they make dozens of miniature paper boats that they put candles in and send floating down the river.... A few nights ago while I was having dinner, I saw a riverboat releasing a few floating boat candles, and it was SOOO GORGEOUS! Almost surreal to see, I've only ever seen stuff like that in movies before. Now I can check one more thing off the life-list.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna head out now cause there seems to be a break in the weather, and I think it's best I make a mad dash for my hotel before it starts up again... Until next time- PEACE!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nha Trang.... it's a sticky place


I've finally arrived in Hoi An after spending WAAAAAAAY too long in Nha Trang... I couldn't help myself, I was surrounded with sun, surf, beach and beer... what more could a girl want in this world?! I spent most of my days relaxing at Louisiana Brew Pub which is a beer brewery that has grrrrrrrreat passion infused whiet beer, great lounge chairs, aaaaaaand a pool that overlooks the ocean. HELLO!

After I traded in my camera for my new, improved, super-fantastic pink olympus, I was walking down the beach I stopped for water, and met a sweet little Vietnamese lady who was holidaying in Nha Trang. She was fascinated by my $2 knock-off ray bands. She tried them on, and was striking poses all over the beach with them... gave them to the dude selling the water, and he started posing too.. so funny! So, being the sweet little entrepreneur I am, I asked if they wanted to buy them. She said, YES YES!! HOW MUCH!? Thinking she'd want to barter with me, I started and $100,000 dong... she said OK!! Whipped out a $100,000 note and just like that I doubled my money on the sunglasses. hahaha Then I went and bought new Armani ones for $50,000 dong. So awesome.

I used the extra $50,000 dong to get me a motorbike taxi to a mud bath/mineral pool spa a few kilometers outside of town. It was super relaxing, and although it felt a bit weird to bathe in dirty mud water with big black asian hairs floating around in it... I managed to enjoy myself. From the mud bath, I layed in the sun to allow the mud to try, and then showered off to get clean again. Then I moved into a Hyrdotherapy shower thing, where they blast tigerbalm smelling water at you for 3-5 minutes. After that, I sat in a hot mineral tub for another 15 minutes. In the hot tub I met a couple Aussie blokes, and a dude from Hollywood. They invited me to join them for some street meat lobster afterward so once I finished my treatment under the mineral waterfall, and the hot, and cold mineral swimming pools, I was picked up by my driver again, and went back to town to meet them.

We walked a few blocks from where I was staying and found a couple Vietnamese people with a Hibatchi BBQ sitting on the sidewalk... this was our dining room. We had a big group, so we ordered 10 lobsters and sat around on tiny plastic stools eating the lobster and dipping it in lime juice mixed with some kind of spice... SOOOO DELICIOUS!!! Half way through our meal, the Vietnamese lady came rushing over to us and said "GET UP, GET UP!! YOU MOVE OVER HERE" We were quite confused cause we were mid meal, and didn't really want to move... then we realized the police had shown up and it's illegal to sell food on the sidewalks in Vietnam.. so the lady picked up our plastic table, and we carried our stools around the corner where the set-up shop in the ally way for us! Classic!

After our lobster fest, everyone else was going to party, but I had arranged a scuba dive for early the next morning, so I declined, and opted to go to Crazy Kim's Spa and Gym instead for the best Vietnamese massage EVER!!! I went to bed in bliss...

The next morning I woke up at 6:30 and had a quick bowl of fresh mango, mixed with plain yogurt and musili (my new favorite breakfast... i kinda overdid the banana pancakes in Thailand) and headed to the dive shop. It wasn't until I was already in my wetsuit and 20meters underwater when my stomach began to gurgle..... Here's a question for you... what's the best move when you're underwater with a Vietnamese dive master named Indo who speaks very little English, and even less sign language, and you feel like you're going to shit in your wetsuit!? Answer... massive amounts of praying and clenching... Luckily I made it out of the water without having to experience a diarrhea dive.. but it was a close call. For future reference: DO NOT EAT STREET MEAT SEAFOOD THE NIGHT BEFORE A SCUBA DIVE.

After diving I took a motortaxi to one of the local markets where I wondered around taking pictures of the locals shopping, and the amazing fresh fruits and vegetables for sale there. I also found several dead bats hanging up in a shop that were for sale!! GROSSS!! Check out the picture... I just love all the little old Vietnamese ladies here that try and sell stuff too, they are soooooo cute and wrinkly! This lady was one of my all-time trip favorites... after I took her picture, she tried to make me pay her $15,000 dong! hahahaha!

A couple days into the trip, I was wondering down the beach and ran into a fellow I met scuba diving. We started chatting and he introduced me to a few friends he had made from the states. Turns out the guys from the states were part of a hip-hop dance group who were performing at the Sail Club that night... ummmm does life get any better!? So, I ended up hanging out with them for a bit, and then watched their show later on. It was pretty good, and I was happy to just listen to some good music and see some sick dancing, cause I was starting to have hip-hop withdrawals over herrrrrrrr...

The next day I was lounging at Louisiana Brew Pub again and I met some FABULOUS Aussies who invited me to join them for dinner. We went to this great restaurant where they gave us some marinated meat, calamari, and veggies to cook on a BBQ that was brought to our table. It definitely took the #1 spot on my asian favorite food list to date!! SOOOO DELICIOUS! Afterwards, I went back to the hotel to get cleaned up and met them for what I thought would be A DRINK, at the Sailing Club... A DRINK, turned into many drinks as one of the girls was celebrating her birthday... After Jager bomb #2 chased by Mojito #4 I turned into a dancing queen... It was super fun, and I realized that's the first time I've been drunk since Jen Eely's wedding!! HOLLAAAAAA! I spent the next day getting nursing an epic hangover.... buuuut it was worth it!

Last night I took the overnight 12 hour bus from Nha Trang to Hoi An. Not fun. Buuut, I made it here finally! I love this city already!! It's very french looking, with loads of old architecture and hundreds of tailors offering custom suits, dresses, shoes... you name it! "Heaven... I'm in Heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak! And I think I've found the happiness I seek..." So, that said, I'm gonna blow this popsicle stand and head out to do some shoppin!

I also have to find a new hotel for tomorrow night as just before leaving my current one I noticed there were dozens of ants crawling over the second bed!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW So disgusting! They are going to spray my room with some bug stuff, but still, it's gonna be a rough night of sleep for me there now that I know I'm sharing a room with them.

This is Christy, signing off!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

New Camera = Updated Photos... Christy does Nah Trang

I have arrived safe and sound in Nah Trang, and it's gorgeous here! I was also able to trade in my old camera for a discount on a new Pink Olympus Camera!! YAY!! Now I have a camera that works, and it even came with a USB cable so now I can back up my photos and add them to my blog more regularly!! I just updated the slideshow pictures, so if you click on the slideshow on the right of the page, you should be directed to the entire album where you can view my recent adventure! PARTY ON WAYNE, PARTY ON GARTH...... EXCELLENT!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Saigon - Mui Ne, Vietnam

Helloooooooooo! I'm writing this from a fancy hotel in Mui Ne- where I loiter their pool area, and internet for free in exchange for indulging in their massive breakfast buffet for $8... I'm staying in a cheap hostel down the street called small garden.

The drive from Ho Chi Minh - Mui Ne was good, and I met a couple of Austrains on the bus that have been staying at the same hostel as me. It's a good thing too, because I think the three of us have been pretty much the only ones staying at our hotel since we arrived, and it'd be lonely without them. The restaruant at our place shuts down at 5pm and then there is absolutly NOTHING to do, so we've been playing lots of cards.

One night there was the most epic thunder and lightening storm I've ever witnessed! It was craaaaaaaaaazy!! It lasted for over 5 hours and there was huge fork lightening going right down to the horizon of the sea, and massive flashes and thunder rumbles. We sat out and watched it for at least an hour and the Austrians got a few really cool pictures I'm hoping they'll email me. It was really neat!! I've never seen anything like it before...

Mui Ne is nice, but very chilled out. Not much atmosphere, just a nice beach and hot weather- not much to complain about there! There are also a few cool things to check out around the city like the White Sand dunes, the Red Sand dunes and Fairy Stream. There is also amazing sunrises!! The first two nights I was here I got up at 4:45am to watch the sun rise... although I'm NOT a morning person, it was sooooooooooooooooo worth it! Amazing, the whole sky was lit up, and you could see sillouettes of vietnamese fisherman pulling up their nets with their cute little china hats on. Made me wish my silly camera wasn't broken again!!! I'm going to have to replace it when I get to Na Trang later today.

I also did a tour in a jeep with one of the Austrians (the other one had the shiezter from some bad food... hahahaha) and we went to the dunes, and fairy creek (see picture). It was really gorgeous!! The white sand dunes seem so out of place here, its like all of a sudden being transported to the Sahara Dessert... Amazing! The red ones were good too, but the sand was soooooooo hot from the sun beating down on it, and they weren't quite as impressive as the white ones. Fairy stream was way more amazing than I was much better than I anticipated and it had giant red dirt cliffs coming down to bright red sand, and then the water trickling down the middle of the stream. Very cool. I collected some sand from here to send home... (I now have three sand samples, one from Cambodia, and two from Vietnam) I wonder how much it will cost me to send home from Hoi An!! Oh well, it'll be worth it!

In a couple of hours I'm catching a bus from here to Na Trang. I was going to take the night bus that leaves at 2am, but then a little Vietnamese lady told me that "Sometime they forget pick you up! You wait till 3am then they no pick you up and you wait next day..." Given that my plan was to give up my hotel room and then sleep on the bus, this plan would have been very shitty if I was left on the streets all night- so day bus it is!! The same lady also said "Day bus good, but sometime air-con no work, hahahaha vietnam bus funny!" Soooooooo... might be an interesting trip to say the least. The good news is I booked a hostel already when I get there so I won't have to wonder around in the dark searching... we arrive at 7pm (ish) so the sun will be down by then.

I'm looking forward to hopefully doing some scuba diving in Na Trang. It's suppsed to be one of the best places in Vietnam to dive, and it's the best time of year for it too! YAY!! Hopefully I won't get eaten by a shark or stung by a creepy vietnamese sea creature...

Anyway, I think that's all for now... Ciao!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Hey, this is not a test, this is rock and roll, time to rock it from the Delta to the D.M.Z!! What's the weather like in Nam? Well, it's HOT! Damn hot, real hot! Hottest thing is my shorts, I could cook things in them, do a little crotch pot cookin... OOOOOOH it's so hot I told you again, were you born on the SUN? It's DAAAAMN HOT!

Okay, enough with the Robin Williams quotes... So I've made it to Vietnam after a looong 12 hour bus ride from Sihanoukville to Ho Chi Minh. I met a nice Malaysian couple on the bus who teach at a University in China. We had lunch, and they invited me to visit them in China, if I make it there, and offered me a job at their University teaching English, Graphic Design, and business to students there... Guess if all else fails??!

It was dark by the time I arrived in Ho Chi Minh, and within 2 minutes I was overwhelmed by the amount of traffic zooming down the streets and allys. Crossing the street here is like playing a real life game of frogger! I met up with a dutch couple and we found a hotel to drop our stuff off at and hit the street market for some authentic vietnamese food... (honestly, I've had better in Victoria!) Then we went to a travel agent to figure out where to go next... They decided to book some flights to Phu Quoc, which is a small island on the south western side of vietnam, very close to Sihanoukville... I decided to book a flight there too- which in hindsight made me wonder why I had just sat in a bus for 12 hours, only to basically go right back where I started from... HAHAH such is life.

The next morning I caught a taxi to the airport and boarded my plane. Within one hour, I was in paradise. I found a bungalow on the beach and met two identical twin girls from London who I would spend the next few days with. We didn't like the bungalows we were in the first night because the power turned off at 11pm which means NO FAN... which means that in 40 degree weather, you also get NO SLEEP! I got up at 6:30am to find somewhere better to stay. I ended up at a resort called Tropicanna which had a gorgeous 4 star resort next door that I would enjoy an amazing buffet breakfast at every morning for $5. I took the liberty of inviting myself to enjoy their pool all day everyday also. :-)

The next two days went quickly, and I burned through the book A Thousand Splended Suns, which I HIGHLY recommend to anyone wanting to read a good book and bust out a few tears in the process. All of a sudden I woke up and it was my last day on the Island. I booked a ferry back to the mainland with the twins, and decided I had better check out Sao Beach, known for its turquoise water, and white sand beach. I booked a mototaxi and head out...

Little did I know, this is when the day of EPIC failures would begin....

From the back of the motorbike, I decided I would snap a couple shots of the scenery. The first picture worked out alright, but when I took out my camera to take another, it made a funny noise and wouldnt start. bad news. broken camera. Despite smashing it on my fist many times, the problem did not fix itself. BUMMER! Next thing I knew, the driver was stopping the bike and hopped off. He started laughing and pointing at the front tire. I got off and realized he was laughing because the dirt roads we were driving on had punctured his front tire!! BOOURNS! He said, "Ok Ok no problem" and motioned for me to get back on the bike. We spent the next 2km driving (more like bouncing) down the dirt road on the rims until he found a shop that could fix his tire. 15-20 minutes later, we were back on the road to Sao beach. By the time I got there, it was basically time for me to turn around and get going back to the resort so I could catch a taxi to the ferry, so I walked to the beach, collected a bit of sand, and literally spent 37 seconds taking in the view before I had to leave.

The way back was full of more adventure... About 10 minutes into the 40 minute ride home, it began to monsoon all over us! I got SOAKED!!! Not to mention the fact I thought we both might die cause the roads were flooded and nobody else dared drive on them. The driver asked me if I wanted to stop, but I said I couldn't cause I would have missed my ferry if we did... So through the rain we went! He pulled over to put on a poncho after his shirt was completely soaked and as I got off the bike I slipped and burned my left shin on the exhaust pipe! Eventually, we made it back to Tropicana with 5 minutes for me to pack, check out, and hop in the cab- but I made it!

We then caught a ferry, which took almost half an hour longer than it was supposed to, back to the mainland of the Mekong Delta. I was going to head to Can Tho to hit up the floating markets, but since my camera was broken, at the last minute I decided to hop on a minibus with two americans to Ho Chi Minh city so I could repair my camera. (The twins carried on to Cambodia with some french and american travellers they met). There was no time to grab anything to eat or drink, before running to catch the last minibus of the day. We all crawled into the very back of the 17 seater van and were the only 3 caucasian, english speaking people in the vehicle. 4 hours later, we were all so starving we thought we might be sick... The crazy driving and bumpy half paved roads weren't helping matters. Eventually we stopped at a Vietnamese market where we had some Pho soup and bread before getting back on the bus for the rest of the journey. We arrived in HCMC at about 11pm. I had already booked a hotel, and shared a taxi with the americans from the shanty bus stop to District 1 where our hotel was located. When I checked in the air conditioning didn't work, and the room was at least 35 degrees... I asked them to fix it, and after about an hour of the maintenence man fiddling around with it he asked me if I wanted to change rooms. I said I did, and went to the room next door. After moving all of my luggage, and arguing with the front desk clerk to give me the room for $5 cheaper, I realized that the A/C didn't work in that room either. The perfect end to the perfect day. I spent the next 5 hours sweating and going in and out of sleep before I finally got up and moved to another hotel the twins had recommended.

My new hotel is a small guesthouse run by a nice couple. I told the woman that the twins referred me and she gave me a discount, a hug and a kiss! She also offered her husband's services as a motorcycle taxi... He drove me to a place that fixed my camera for only $25 and then took me to the Cu Chi Tunnels. It was a looong drive there and back, about an hour each way, and I'm pretty sure my butt is still vibrating, but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT! The tunnel system was really cool and the guide we had was amazing. I met a really nice couple from New Zealand, and numerous South Korean tourists. It's unbelievable how tiny the tunnels are! Please note the picture I snagged online of someone's photo of the same hole I cralwed into compared to the size of their foot. Good thing I've lost over 10lbs of sweat since I arrived in SE Asia!!

They have made some tunnels bigger to componsate for western tourists, but I crawled into one this one which only juuuust fit the widest part of my ass (these hips don't lie!). The good news was, that after I had lowered myself into the tunnel and taken a few candid shots on my disposible underwater camera left over from Vang Vieng (the koreans took a bunch of photos of me too) I was able to lift myself out of the smaaaall opening without getting stuck. This is more than I can say for the 6'5" Kiwi guy Mark who decided to go in right after me!! He ended up having to crawl underground through the tiny bat and spider infested tunnels until he could find a larger hole to climb out of!!! HHAHAHAHA better him than me- he actualy enjoyed it. I would have sharted myself and then choaked to death on my own toxic fumes, only to be rescued by our Ex Viet Kong guide.

Now I am sitting in a nice cafe called Sozo that employs street people who have disadvantages like hearing impairments, amputations etc. The internet here is free! bonus!!

I think that's all for now, I'm going to try and navigate through the crazy allyways to get back to my hotel and sort out my laundry situation. Then I need to go talk to a travel agent about getting the heck outta herrrr tomorrow afternoon to head north. Since it is about to get dark, I think I should get moving... Chao!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sihanukville, Cambodia... Sun, Fun and Plumbing 301

The drive to Sihanukville was long, hot and smelly. The bus left the terminal on time, but stopped 10-15 times leaving the city to pick up locals, so we ended up over an hour behind anyway. I was pumped that I found a seat with nobody else sitting in it until the bus stopped and Madame B.O. And prawn chips helped herself to the seat next to me. You know what's fun? Trying not to breathe for 4 hours on a bus.

We finally arrived as it was getting dark and I shared a taxi with an English guy who was on the bus. The drivers all gang up and insist being paid $6 to get to town. To put things in perspective, I'm paying $2 on the way back and I didn't even barter. The taxi guy dropped is off at a hostel called "beach shack" and I made the executive decision that given five star hotels here are comparable to a 2-3 star at home, anything with the word "shack" built into it is not candidate for sleeping. The English guy tried it out and I continued on foot. (I ran into the guy later on and he said it was beyond nasty hahaha glad I didn't stay). As the night got darker and hostels were turning me away cause they were full I got a bit more desparate. The same taxi driver saw me walking and offered to drive me around till I found a suitable place for $1. He took me to two gungy places and then an expensive hotel ($25/night). While I was checking the room and asking the guy for a deal, taxi driver got cranky, called me stupid and drove off without letting me pay. Hahahaha so I took the room.

I was bagged and needed a shower badly so I checked into my room and had a shower right away. Well... That is.... I tried to. I couldn't figure out how to turn on the water. There was only one plastic knob and it was screwed on super tight. Eventually my huge muscles were able to turn it hard enough that it unscrewed completely and water began blasting at me through the knob area!!! Paniced, I had no way of turning off the knob now that it had fallen off. I tried numerous times to force it back on and had success after the 10th round of pushing, turning, swearing, and praying. "Please please turn off little shower....."

My make shift solution wasn't perfect but it'd do the trick... I'd so I thought. Once I was committed to finishing the shower before asking the front desk to help, ie. Put Shampoo on hair, the entire knob came blasting off again bouncing off the back of me before landing across the room. F.M.L.

Imagine repeating the above 2 paragraphs 3-4 times before finally getting rinsed off enough to run downstairs in a dress and a towel and run back up 3 flights of stairs with the Cambodian maintenence man in tow. This was my first night in Sihanukville.

Apparently there is a small grey button on the knob in question that, when pushed, starts the water flow through the shower head. Who knew!!??

The next day I lazed around the pool and then wandered up to the city area to watch a movie. They have the best theatre here with comfy couches and pillows as chairs and a big screen projector thing just like the movies. I watched startrek by myself and ate a bag of m&m's.

Day two was more sun and another movie... And today, I went to the beach and had a manicure and pedicure special for $5 and got my armpitta threaded for $2! Hahaha it's so funny the ladies come right up to you and tell you you are too hairy. Then they'll start trying to pluck hairs from your legs, arms, or pubic regions. I let her thread my pit so shed leave the rest of my body alone. She complimented me on my thin blonde Pitt hair. Is that weird? Or is it just me.... Anyway, that experience goes right up there with crab hand lady waxing me in Thailand.

Then, tonight on the beach I was finishing up dinner under the stars and had the added free entertainment of two guys juggling bowling pins, followed by an oscar worthy extended make out session involving two lesbians. For a minute I thought I had died and accidently ended up in man-heaven. Nope! Apparently it's just all part of the fun of Sihanukville!!

Anyway, my iPod is running out of battery and I gotta get up in 5 hours to catch a bus to Saigon. Keep it real....... HOLLA!

Monday, August 10, 2009

S-21 and the Cambodian Killing Fields

I took a bus to Phenom Penh and visited "Security 21"or S-21 jail/torture house and the Khumar Rouge killing fields. Never before had I realized the scope, or brutality of the crimes committed by the Kuhmar Rouge when they held power in Cambodia in the mid-late seventies. I will describe some of my feelings below, but first a disclaimer: I'm not going to hold back some of the stories, and images I saw because I think its important for me to reflect on it, and important to share with others- as understanding such conditions provides one with a whole new level of gratitude for their own problems...
S-21: I paid for a personal guide for touring this site, as I wasn't too familiar with the history and wanted to fully understand what I was about to see. It was the best $3 investment I've made so far.. My guide was a boy of 14 when the Khumar Rouge came to power. He and his family had recently relocated to Penonh Phen after they had been forced to live in the villiages by the previous repressive government. Within 3 days of finally returning home, they had to flee Penonh Phen back to the villiage where they worked back-breaking shifts on the farm under armed guards. All of their posessions were taken, and they were given one set of dirty clothes to wear that would have to last them three years. Our guide explained he would wash his clothes at night, and hang them to semi-dry before waking up at 4am the next morning to put them on wet and get back to work. The guards would make everyone in the villiages sign a horrible anthem every morning that, when translated to english, is enough to scare even Chuck Norris. Our guide says the words are still burned into his memory, and that every morning when he was forced to sing it, he wondered whether he'd live to sing it again the following morning.
At S-21 the conditions were even worse. Intellectuals (anyone who is a doctor, lawyer, police officer, government official, educated) were seen as a threat to the working class Khumar Rouge. Therefore, they sought to eliminate anyone, and all of their friends and family members, to prevent retaliation. When captured they would be taken to be held and interrogated at S-21 before being transported to their final destination at Killing Fields. Many did not even live to make that trip. The conditions were so horrible- prisoners weren't given a pot to piss in, let a lone food. Most were granted 3 spoonfulls of rice soup/day. In some rooms there would be 20-40 people shackled together laying in the floor, in other cells, one or two high-up officials, or lawyers would be held in solitude and tortured for information. One form of torture was to pluck out all of the prisoner's finger and toenails one by one. Another was to heat up plyers and then pinch off the nipples of women in custody. Oh- and let's not forget rape, killing babies in front of their mothers by smashing their skulls on a tree trunk, and drowning men in fecal water. An artist who is a former prisoner at S-21 has depicted many of these images in paintings- and there were many more tortures that were too gruesome to depict, or share with tourists.... They did however, paint a pictures of guards throwing a baby into the air and stabbing it with the knife end of a bayonett riffle when it landed while it's mother watched. Makes you wonder what was too gory to show...
Only 8 people evaded death at S-21. One of them was onsite the day we visited shooting a documentary with a french network. Its unbelievable to think of the life our guide has had in his 45 years in Cambodia. He said that his family eventually was split up and his sister escaped to Thailand, and then moved to Canada- now living in Toronto. Despite numerous invitations from her brother, she has refused to ever visit Cambodia since leaving.
The Khumar Rouge depleated almost half of the population of Cambodia in a few short years. It is estimated they murdured 3 million innocent people in total. It makes me sick to think that this crime could go on post-WWII without superpower intervention. It makes me sick to wonder if the "It's not in my backyard" policy was applied here.
Moving along to the killing fields was an eerie experience, and nearly as emotional as S-21. There were still bits of bone and tooth scattered about the paths leading to the river where the murders took place. The way people were killed was barbaric. The Khumar Rouge did not use bullets, because they were working class, and the bullets cost too much money. Instead everyone was killed using various farmers tools, and in some cases- to increase pain- a palm leaf was used to slit the throat slowly. Many of the skulls on display have visible trauma where they were hit with a shovel, bamboo stick or an axe. Remember, this happened less than 30 years ago. Think about it....
I find myself now looking at Cambodians through a new set of lenses. Anyone over the age of 30 particuarly perks my interest because they were there... they have a story. I wish I spoke more cambodian so I could share more history with survivors. It's fascinating, and truly makes me unbelieveably greaftul for everything I have been afforded in life.
It's neat to see how well the country has rebounded, though there are still abundant problems. I feel pride when I see someone like our guide- who came from literally nothing- wearing leather shoes, clean slacks, a dress shirt, perscription glasses, and a peaceful face. It's amazing to see how far he has come in his life, without anyone to help. Makes me wonder about some of the issues still outstanding in Canada, and how little motivation many people have to turn their lives around despite getting ample government handouts. Backwards.
Right...... well, I hope I havne't depressed everyone with all that heavy stuff. I did warn you at the beginning it would be graphic. Go eat some comfort food or something. BYE!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Angkor Whaaaaaaaat?!

I spent three days exploring the temples of Angkor Wat... they were amazing! Its hard to believe that something built sooooooo long ago could still exsist today. Its bizzar to touch stone you know was assembled by another human over a thousand years ago... Its amazing how so many details have persevered through weather, war, and japanese tourists!

I really enjoyed Siem Reap, and hope to come back here someday to enjoy the heritage in another phase of my life. Its sad to see the countless homelses children, and landmine victim lining the streets desperate for a dollar to afford them some food. I hope that the tourism here can help inject some wealth into the economy to eliminate some of the many problems existing here today. Obviously, its impossible to help everyone, but while I stayed, I tried to do my bit, by packing up leftovers at restaurants from my meals and offering them to street children, or giving a few Riel to landmine victims trying to earn a living by playing music.

One night a small boy walked up to me holding his six month old brother, and instead of asking for money, he asked for milk power formula for his brother. He said his dad was a landmine victim, and him mom was in Penon Penh. I took him into a corner store and bought him some formula and a large bottole of water- which isn't much, but I hope it helped him.... I saw him again the next day (with his mother- apparently he lied about that part) and gave his mom a fajita to help feed her three kids...

Today, I am heading to Penon Penh to see the killing fields which promises to be an emotional experience. I will also arrange my Vietnam visa there, and may head down to Shinoukville for a couple days of beach time as well. I am super happy to have been able to upload some of the images from my trip so far to share with everyone, and I hope that you enjoy them! If you click on the slideshow, it should take you to a page where you can flip through them in a full screen slideshow, and view my comments.

Thanks to everyone for your emails and posts, it really means a lot to me to hear from people from home. I miss everyone so much, and I get so excited when I see someone has commented on a facebook photo, or taken a minute from their busy day to write me! Hope all is well with everyone, and I'll update you again soon!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tubing in the Vangvieng, and Day 1 Siem Reap!

I spent a total of five nights in Vangvieng being la-a-zy! I went tubing twice- once the day after I arrived, and again the day before I left. It was good fun. The first bar had a giant trapeze swing that I went off. It was crazy cause you had to let go at the right time to avoid landing on rocks... I was worried I'd slip off too soon, but it turns out I have superhero strength when adreneline is involved...

Once we were finished at the first bar, we tubed down the river to anotehr bar that had a big zipline to go off. That was also fun, but you had to make sure to let go before it hit the end cause otherwise you'd get flung forward and do a faceplant/bellyflop into the river. Its funny watching the drunk people go off!! Nowhere else in the world would the safety standards fly... but... When in Laos!!

After that, we floated down further to the Mud Bar, where they have several giant mud pits with tug-a-war, volleyball, and mud wrestling. It was pretty difficult to leave there without being thrown in at least once or twice... I thought I was doing pretty well cause I was sort of hiding over in a hammock watching volleyball for most of the time, but then I went back to get my tube, and got picked up by a random stranger and chucked right into a swimming mud hole. Dirty is an understantement.

The final bar I visited had a massive tile slide and another trapeze swing. I didn't do the slide, cause it was literally made of tile (and grout) and I thought it would basically burn my bottom off... but I watched the drunk people (who had apparently lost feeling in their backsides) fly off it. Apparently a tourist died on the slide a couple weeks ago cause she was laying down when she went off it (and incredibly intoxicated) and she hit her head on the bottom of the slide and snapped her neck before she fell into the river. Quite sad.... but I guess those things can happen when you feed people Buckets of alchohol, $2 beers, and free Laos Laos Whiskey all day long.

After that bar you can either tube another 45 minutes down the river (which should actually take an hour or two, but because its monsoon season the river is really high and the current is SUPER STRONG so its quick now), or you can walk across a small dodgy bridge and take a tuk tuk back to town. The first day I tubed, and the last time I tuk-tuked... I preferred the latter, as by the time I left the slide bar the last time it was quite dark and tubing down a rocky river in the dark when you're not sure where you're going = not so much fun.

Anyhooooo, now I'm in Siem Reap after a dodgy flight with Laos Airlines... the seatbelts didn't work. hahah. Today I spent the day at Ankor Wat and some surrounding temples in the complex. It was pretty amazing, and hard to believe that it was built with the most basic tools and technology thousands of years ago. I've met a new friend here and we hired the most awesome tuk-tuk of all time: It's a batmobile tuk-tuk. Sooooooooooooooo fabulous!! It's the only one like it.. even the seat has a giant batman logo apholstered into it. Seriously. We got up at 4:45am this morning to get out to Ankor in time to see the sunrise, but the silly clouds rolled in and now that's the second time I've woken up early for sunrise and not seen a thing.. This is why I don't do mornings. Soooo over-rated. hahahaha

After we were templed out, we went to a super fabulous hotel for lunch where we paid $25 to have a huge lunch (veggie sandwich, fries, veggies and dip, fruit salad, and banana bread) and lounge around the gorgeous pool for a few hours. It was luxurious! I may have to treat myself to the pool again tomorrow or the next day...

Tomorrow we're going to sleep in a bit, and spend the day at Ankor, and try and catch the sunset. It's too cloudy still tonight to see anything. bum-er. Anyway, I think I'm due for a nap now. I'm definitely crashing... YAWN!!